Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Workshop Stuff
Moving Code for workshops
$ cd ~/work
$ mkdir allprojs
$ repo init --depth=1 -g shareable -u ssh://stash/ios/ios_manifest.git
# be sure to update the default.xml manifest to include any new projects and put them in the "shareable" group
# make sure you have permission for it to be shareable (including station if working with international partners)
$ cd adderall # can be any project, we are going to make export
$ make export
$ cp ../Export/adderall_export.tar.gz /tmp
$ mkdir /tmp/t
$ cd /tmp/t
$ rm -rf bare adderall_export; tar xvf /tmp/adderall_export.tar.gz && mkdir bare
$ tar xvf /tmp/adderall_export.tar.gz
$ cd ~/work/adderall
$ repo forall -v -p -c 'cd /tmp/t/adderall_export/${REPO_PATH} && git init && git add *; git commit -m "triclops2015" --author="moo <moo@moo.moo>" && cd /tmp/t/bare && git clone --bare ../adderall_export/${REPO_PATH}'