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Owner: User #13763861
Hamr Testing With WildTurkey
WildTurkey (n.) A animal of the avian variety that has not been domesticated. Also a type of alcohol with a high proof (151). It get's you HAMR'D
WildTurkey is the name of the collection of iOS related plugins for the HAMR framework. The project WildTurkey has a makefile that helps build all the related plugins and a HAMR BEM and a FEM. The BEM is the Back End Manager and manages the creation of a FEL (Front End Listener). The FEL will actually handle the exploitation process of a device. Build everything by:
- cd <ZOO_REPO_DIR>/wildturkey
- make <ZOO_CONFIG=Debug> <clean> <all>
- By default make will run the all target in Release
This makes a <ZOO_BUILD_ROOT>/bem that has a bem binary, a fem binary and certs for them to communicate with each other. Also all the iOS plugins live in <ZOO_DIST_DIR>
To build a fel:
- cd <ZOO_BUILD_ROOT>/bem
- make sure you have a plist (a sample exists on the share drive under MDB/Temporary/test.plist)
- If using the sample, make sure you change the URLUniform Resource Locator key under targets>global
- Also if using the sample, the passphrase is moo
- ./bem build <plist path> <output name> <ZOO_DIST_DIR>/*
- where output name is the name of the fel (for example test.fel
- Now you can either run the fel through the bem and the fem via 4.b, or directly via 4.a
- python test.fel # input the passphrase when prompted
- see the hamr docs because I'm too lazy to look it up right meow
In order to build a FEL, you need to have a configuration plist. Until we build an easy to configure plist here is a sample one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">