Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #4849738
IRC now available at
NON-SSL: 6667
SSL: 6697
Windows: X-chat, ChatZilla (Firefox plug-in), Pidgin, Trillian <ADD MORE>
Linux: Check your repositores. X-chat, irssi, Pidgin, Trillian
Mac: Upgrade to Linux ^^
Install Guide
Follow the instructions for your given client.
X-Chat: Xchat->Network List.
Click Add, name network "DEVLAN".
Click Edit, Change servers to "" or "" for SSL
Click Close, Then Connect.
Complete these tasks to get started
ID | Status | Task |
101 | incomplete | Edit this home page - Click Edit in the top right of this screen to customize your Space home page |
102 | incomplete | Create your first page - Click the Create button in the header to get started |
103 | incomplete | Brand your Space - Click Configure Sidebar in the left panel to update space details and logo |
104 | incomplete | Set permissions - Click Space Tools in the left sidebar to update permissions and give others access |
Recent space activity
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Space contributors
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