Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Unactivated Device Exploit Research
Captive Portal
Objective: Find a way to exploit with captive portal
A. Captive Portal entirely over cable
(Currently Not Found)
See dns lookup for captive
Then it makes a https request to that server
Even made a self-signed cert but did not work
Would need a "valid" cert for '' (That is not going happen)
B. Captive Portal over wifi exploit over cable
C. Captive Portal over wifi exploit over cable (activated device)
D. Captive all over wifi http
Found procedure
- Setup up router with hotspot-detect.html page with Network Access Authorization Error
- Direct to landing.html
- Change hotspot-detect.html to the success page
- click link to done.html with an embedding iframe with HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol link to the same server
E. Captive all over wifi https
Found procedure
- Setup up router with hotspot-detect.html page with Network Access Authorization Error
- Direct to landing.html
- Change hotspot-detect.html to the success page
- click link to done.html with an embedding iframe with HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure link to the same server
Dictionary Update
Objective find a way to trigger a dictionary update attack over the network cable
A. Not using wifi
(Currently Not Found)
Test with text on devices
- Gone through and click on any button I could find
- Went through the wifi more option page on wifi
- Add wifi page
Could not find the "Define" button on any of these.
Test with language settings
Pick language -> randomly pick a country -> stop on wifi screen
Was able to see a mobileasset software update request
B. Using wifi
Found procedure
- Connect to a wifi serving a captive portal page ( with no other connectivity)
- Plug in cable
- Highlight word
- Then select dictionary
- Triggers a dictionary update over the wire