Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71468
Infector Config XML Schema
<!-- The following 4 attributes are required -->
<!-- The Infector will fail if the version number is not an exact match -->
<!-- The root folder on the drive we wish to infect -->
<!-- Forced language on Execution Vector. This value is used to replace "__LANGUAGE_ID__" in ReplaceInFile actions -->
<!-- Path relative to the InfectPath where the DLLDynamic Link Library hijack occurs and our stub should be placed -->
<!-- End of require attributes -->
<!-- List of actions to take. Infector will loop through as man as present -->
<!-- Example to run "MyRunner.exe" with the arguments "arg1 arg2" -->
<args>arg1 arg2</args>
<!-- Example to copy a payload called "payload.exe" and encrypt it inside of "container.dat" on the infection path with maxRuns of 5-->
<!-- The source of the copy file should be full path, but the destination is appended to the InfectPath -->
<!-- Following attributes are optional. MaxRuns is only checked if isPayload is set to true -->
<!-- If this attribute is excluded, maxRuns is set to 1 -->
<!-- Example to copy a file from "here.norm" to "there.norm". Does not encrypt nor make any other changes to the original file-->
<!-- The source of the copy file should be full path -->
<!-- The destination path is still relative to the InfectPath -->
<!-- Example to replace all instances of "bananas" in a file with "apples" -->
<!-- Example to replace all instances of "lang" in a file with our (earlier) specified LanguageID -->
<!-- __LANGUAGE_ID__ is a special identifier that will be replaced with "English" in this case -->