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Unittest Project Setup
This page serves to describe the initial test project setup within the KRAKEN client project.
Copy \\fs-01\share\Google\GoogleTest\ to <TBD> on the KRAKEN client development VM
Extract to <TBD>
Open the KRAKEN client project in Visual Studio
Select Visual Studio 2013->File->Add->Existing Project... and add gtest-1.7.0\msvc\gtest-md.sln
- Right click the gtest-md project in the solutions explorer, select Properties..->Librarian->Output File and change the entry to $(OutDir)gtest-md.lib
Create a new project (Win32 Console Application) with _tests appended to the name
- Right click the new unittest project in the solutions explorer, select Add->References...->Add New Reference... and select gtest-md and the KRAKEN client
- Right click the new unittest project in the solutions explorer, select Build Dependencies->Project Dependencies and select gtest-md and the KRAKEN client
- Right click the new unittest project in the solutions explorer, select Properties..->C/C++->Additional Include Directories and add the path to the KRAKEN client headers (TBD) and the GTest headers (gtest-1.7.0\include)