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Hamrtoe Test Harness
('toc' missing)
Hamrtoe (Hamr Testing Operational Environments) is a test harness for executing hamr tests on actual devices. Infrastructure servers (fel, redirectors, etc) are simulated using docker containers. Docker containers provide an easy method for deploying, configuring and destroying operational environments in a consistent manner, free of contamination from developer environments.
insert diagram here...
Server Setup
This section describes how to setup a Hamrtoe server. Instructions for using Hamrtoe are discussed in the User Setup section
Docker Setup
A number of steps are required to install and setup docker.
For Ubuntu users, docker runs natively. If you run an Ubuntu VMVirtual Machine inside another host consider using this VMVirtual Machine to run docker.
1. Copy the installation package from //fs01/MDB/Linux/Software/docker/docker-engine_1.8.3-0-trusty_amd64.User #77775
2. Install docker ```sudo dpkg -i docker-engine_1.8.3-0-trusty_amd64.User #77775```
3. Create the docker group ```sudo groupadd docker```
4. Add yourself to it ```sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker```
5. Enable unsecured registry access
- Linux Docker - also need to enable dns access
- edit /etc/default/docker
- Locate the DNSDomain Name System servers for devlan and mdbtest - devlan - mdbtest - Add the line
```DOCKER_OPTS="--dns **devlan dns** --dns **mdbtest** --insecure-registry"```
6. Restart docker ```sudo service docker restart```
7. Reload your groups
+ newgrp docker (only works on the current shell, must log out to be global)
You must install Boot2Docker which runs docker as a VM
For mac, you can find the installer in //fs01/MDB/OSX/Software/FreeSoftware/Boot2Docker-1.7.1.pkg
Once installed, you must enable unsecured access to the registry using the boot2docker cmd utility:
- run ```boot2docker ssh```
- edit /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
- add ```EXTRA_ARGS="--insecure-registry"```
- run ```boot2docker stop```
- run ```boot2docker start```
Switch to Linux
Test Docker setup
Follow the instructions in the repo's docker subfolders to create containers for bowtie, fel and nginx
adbpy Setup
Hamrtoe uses the adbpy project to communicate with devices over USB. Test scripts use adbpy to simulate user interaction (e.g. screen unlocking, key presses, URLUniform Resource Locator browsing, etc) and task devices in an automated fashion.
User Setup