Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71384
Building Cross Compilers with Crosstool-NG
Note: Use the following instructions for an UNCLASSIFIED Internet-connected host. Ct-ng has to be able to download the various software components based upon the configuration specified.
- Install the latest version of Crosstool-NG (ct-ng).
- Create a directory for the building the toolchains: mkdir toolchains
- Create a subdirectory for a given architecture: mkdir toolchains/arm
- In that directory run ct-ng menuconfig and then configure the toolchain.
- Within the first menu option "Paths and misc options" set the Prefix directory to a directory where the resulting toolchain is to reside.
For example: /opt/x-tools/${CT_TARGET} - Also, enable Debug crosstool-NG and select: Save intermedate steps, gzip saved states, and Interactive shell on failed comands
- .
- Within the first menu option "Paths and misc options" set the Prefix directory to a directory where the resulting toolchain is to reside.
- Once configured, build the toolchain using ct-ng build.
- The resulting toolchain will reside in the Prefix directory as specified in the configuration.