Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
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Opportunistic Locks
Opportunisctic Locking: A file locking mechanism designed to improved performance by controlling caching of network files by the client. Unlike traditional locks, OpLocks are not used to provide mutual exclusion. The main goal of OpLocks is to provide synchronization for caching. Opportunistic Locking is supported by SMB.
Batch Lock: A batch lock is used to make multiple file opens and close operations in a short timefram emore efficient. A batch lockslows down the close operation so that if a new open file operation occurs, the operation is canceled.
Exclusive Lock: An exclusive lock occurs when a client opens a file on and SMB server in shared mode. When in an exclusive oplock state, the client can now cache all changes to the file before committing it to the server. When another process/client attempts to open the same file the server sends a break or oplock revocation to the client holding the exclusive lock. At this point the client who obtained the original opportunistic lock flushes all changes to the file.
Breaks: A break request is sent from server to client to inform the client that an oplock is no longer valid. This happens when another client wishes to open a file in a way that invalidates the OpLock. The first client is then sent an OpLock break and required to send all of its local changes and acknowledge the break. Upon acknowledgment the can reply to the second client.
TOCTOU: A time-of-check time-of-use (TOCTOUtime-of-check time-of-use) vulnerability, occurs when an application first checks and validates a resources, does other things, and then uses a resource. An example of a TOCTOUtime-of-check time-of-use bug would be if an application were to validate the certificate of an application, do something else, and then execute the application. TOCTOUtime-of-check time-of-use vulnerabilities rely on a window after validation to switch out the resource.
CNE Application:
Example Vulnerability:
A vulnerability first discovered by User #75254 (Google's Zero Day Project), utilized a TOCTOUtime-of-check time-of-use vulnerability with a COM object to escape the Internet Explorer sandbox.