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Owner: User #20251227
2015-11-23 Retrospective
('details' missing)
What did we do well?
- Bookkeeping (using JIRA, managing backlog, adding emergent stories, ...)
- Discipline when keeping notes
- Using JIRA,and the sprint w/ stories to stay on track.
What should we have done better?
- Capacity Planning was off (didn't allow for other work assignments when bringing stories into the sprint), had to put stories back into the backlog.
- Undershot a little when assigning story (complexity/risk) points.
- Mistook an epic ("...want a formal requirements document") for a story.
- Did not properly account for external dependencies (e.g., getting feedback, etc) when planning/structuring stories
What will we do differently next time to improve?
Undershoot/Overshoot w/r/t assigning story points should naturally fix itself after a small handful of sprints. Undershoot/Overshoot is normal.
For Capacity Planning, be more pessimistic about taking work into the sprint.
For the external dependencies challenge, perhaps try to have more, smaller, stories, which are attached to an overarching epic (e.g., "...want a formal requirements document"), thus bringing into the sprint mostly only stories/work whose completion is more directly dependent upon just the sprint team's efforts.