Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
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Run Out The Clock (PSP Avoidance)
PSP sandboxes typically have a set time limit they analyze a program for before making a decision. PSPs do not want impose unnecessarily long wait times on the user, which may cause the user to disable PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) components or try other products out of frustration. A common technique of exploiting this mechanism is using a Sleep-like call at the start of a program to 'run out the clock'. PSPs caught on and many will skip the sleep calls in their sandbox environment. To counteract this, Malware authors will call a meaningless function which performs some kind of task or calculation that takes a while to complete, before performing any malicious action. This makes it harder/impossible for PSPs to know what to skip, and the Malware can effectively 'run out the clock' while in a PSPPersonal Security Product (Anti-Virus) sandbox.
Source Code
//Pseudocode, no promises that the following syntax/API function names are 100% correct
void WasteTime()