Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #3375374
Funny Code 2013
Funny Code 2013
Funny Code post from 2013.
Skipping Breakpoints in Windbg
Use windbg pseduo registers is helpful for breaking halfway through a loop. Espically, if the loop has a 100 iterations and it is not possible to modify the source code. The following command will break on the 103 call to InternetReadFile.
r $t0 = 0; bp wininet!InternetReadFile "r $t0 = $t0 + 1; j $t0 < 67 'gc';''" |
Use Windbg to dumping in memory strings
To scrape virtual memory to analyze the memory forensic characteristics. Dump strings in memory using windbg use the following command.
0:003> .dump /mf "C:\Work\testing\bc16r3x64pnr.dump" |
Run Sysinternals strings on the .dump file using the following command.
C:\Work\testing>strings.exe bc16r3x64pnr.dump > bc16r3x64pnr.strings.txt |
Takes the input file, slices it into 1024 byte blocks, fills the blocks with random data, and generates a collection of files. The files that are not flagged by AVAnti-Virus must contain part of the AVAnti-Virus signature.
Take the survivor block list from, generates 4 byte blocks, fills the blocks with random data, and generates a collection of files. The files that are not flagged by AVAnti-Virus must contain part of the AVAnti-Virus signature.
Debugging In Memory Dlls
The following are procedures to get WinDbg to load symbols for injected memory code. First update the symbol path to include the location of the debugging symbols.
srv*C:\WindowsSymbols*C:\Work\rdb\blackcrow\client\x64\Debug*\\ISIS\Symbols |
Assuming the code has been injected into memory the following command will load debugging symbols for the dll.
.reload /f /i client_x64.dll=poi(pImageBase) |
It can be helpful to turn on verbose symbol resolution using the !sym noisy command.