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Owner: User #15728648
I have a PyPi server on on port 8080. That machine also includes a samba share for the Python packages, so you can upload your pypi packages there.
On an internet-facing machine, you can use the pip2tgz command to download a pypi package and its dependencies.
You can edit your ~/.pip/pip.conf file:
index-url =
trusted-host =
2015-11-09 13:45 [User #15728648]:
Agree - the other confluence page had an out of date IP address for the pip server, so I made my own. Ideally, IBInfrastructure Branch should set this up for us with a proper DNSDomain Name System entry.
2015-11-04 08:04 [User #3375506]:
There's already a simple pip sever on We should probably avoid duplicating efforts.
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