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Remote Debugging Chrome On Android
When trying to remote debug chrome on Android...without the internet.
When using the standard way to remote debug chrome://inspect -> inspect...
- Host-machine chrome will ask Client-machine chrome which version of devtools it should run
- Host-machine will call out to appspot to run the correct version of devtools
- we cannot reach appspot because we don't have internet on devlan
- Devtools window that spawns will be a blank page
Using the following steps we are going to run our own copy of devtools and direct chrome to use that one.
Step-by-step guide (OSXApple operating system)
- Dependencies
- Google Chrome Canary
- NOTE: The version of chrome you are using to debug must be >= the version of chrome running on the device.
- Source
- DEVLAN: share/MDB/OSX/Software/FreeSoftware/Browser/googlechrome48_canary.dmg
- Web:
- Installation
- Double click.
- Drag the .dmg into Applications folder.
- Google Chrome Devtools
- Source
- DEVLAN: /Volumes/share/MDB/Android/Software/OpenSourceTools/Chrome/devtools-frontend
- Web:
- mkdir devtools-frontend && cd devtools-frontend git init git remote add upstream git config core.sparsecheckout true echo Source/devtools >> .git/info/sparse-checkout echo codereview.settings >> .git/info/sparse-checkout echo .gitignore >> .git/info/sparse-checkout git pull upstream master --depth=1
- Installation
- Copy from share/DTO to host machine
- Source
- Google Chrome Canary
- Environment Setup
- In your .bash_profile or .bashrc put the following:
- alias canary="/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary" alias canary-debug="canary --remote-debugging-port=9222 --no-first-run --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -dt 'chrome-dev-profile') http://localhost:9222/#http://localhost:9999/front_end/inspector.html?experiments=true http://$LOCALHOST_IP"
- Restart terminal to reload .bash_profile or .bashrc
- adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote
- In your .bash_profile or .bashrc put the following:
- Setup devtools-frontend
- cd /path/to/host/machine/chrome/devtools-frontend/Source/devtools python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9999
- Open chrome and visit page to debug on Android device
- Run canary on host machine
- canary-debug
- Select tab to debug
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