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Owner: User #26968069
Anger Management / RoidRage ICD
RoidRage Zip File Format
RoidRage zip files shall have the following directory structure:
- installer
- device.props
- readme.txt
- rrgo
- <root_exploit>
In the above directory structure, these files will have the format specified below:
File: "device.props"
The "device.props" file will contain a list of properties which describe the device. In every case that this property corresponds has a corresponding string available using 'adb shell getprop', the value must match exactly (including case) the value in the getprop result. Each property in the list will be on its own line in the format of:
The following is a list of known keys. Whenever possible one of the keys below should be used. If there is a property that is not contained in the list below, then it may be added, but if the install package would like to filter on any property that is in this list, then the key should be exactly the value specified here. For example, this list specifies a key of 'os_version' and as a result the OSOperating System version should always be the value corresponding to the key 'os_version' and should not use any other key for this value (such as 'OS Version', 'os version' or 'device_os_version').:
- os - In the case of RR/AM this will always be "Android"
- os_version - If this package only supports a specific version of the OS, then it will be that version, otherwise it may be a list of versions separated by a comma and no space
- model - This should be the device model number exactly as it appears in the device properties with no additional characters before or after the value. If it is more than one model number, it may be a list separated by one comma and no space
- arch - This is the device archatecture. It may have one of the following values:
- arm32
- arm32-nopie
- aarch64
- x86
Example 1:
Example 2:
Note that this file is required and must exist for the install package to be considered valid.
File: "rrgo"
The "rrgo" file will be an elf executable which may be executed on the target device without any command line parameters in order to install RoidRage. Once rrgo completes execution, RoidRage will be both installed and running.
File: "readme.txt"
The readme.txt will provide human-readable instructions for installing RoidRage on the device.
File: <root_exploit>
The root exploit may be present as a convenience to the operator in the case of physical access usage.
Legacy RoidRage Zip File Format
While the format described above is preferred, Anger Management will allow for RoidRage zip files which do not have the installer executable prepackaged if and only if it conforms to this alternate specification. Zip files meeting this specification will have the following structure:
- installer
- device.props
- readme.txt
- config
- <Tahoma installation script which conforms to the requirements in the Tahoma documentation, which runs without any command-line parameters, and which starts RoidRage upon completion. Script must have a '.xml' extension.>
- files
- <Installation files which are required for installing this package. This is not to include any root exploit.>
- <root_exploit>
File: "device.props"
If this exists, it must have the format as specified above. If it does not exist, then the device must
File: "readme.txt"
The readme.txt will provide human-readable instructions for installing RoidRage on the device.
Directory: "config"
This directory will contain one and only one file which must be present. This file will be the Tahoma script which conforms to the requirements in the Tahoma documentation, and which runs without any command-line parameters. It must also start RoidRage upon completion. The script must have a '.xml' extension. Beyond the extension, it may have any filename which is appropriate for this type of install.
Directory: "files"
File: <root_exploit>
The root exploit may be present as a convenience to the operator in the case of physical access usage.