Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #26968069
Anger Management / RoidRage ICD
RoidRage Zip File Format
RoidRage zip files shall have the following directory structure:
- installer
- device.props
- readme.txt
- rrgo
- <root_exploit>
In the above directory structure, these files will have the format specified below:
File: "device.props"
The "device.props" file will contain a list of properties which describe the device. In every case that this property corresponds has a corresponding string available using 'adb shell getprop', the value must match exactly (including case) the value in the getprop result. Each property in the list will be on its own line in the format of:
The following keys will be provided at a minimum:
- os - In the case of RR/AM this will always be "Android"
- os_version - If this package only supports a specific version of the
Example 1:
Example 2:
File: "rrgo"
The "rrgo" file will be an elf executable which may be executed on the target device without any command line parameters in order to install RoidRage. Once rrgo completes execution, RoidRage will be both installed and running.
File: "readme.txt"
The readme.txt will provide human-readable instructions for installing RoidRage on the device.
File: <root_exploit>
The root exploit may be present as a convenience to the operator.