Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71468
Opera Portable DLL Hijack
Similar to Thunderbird hijack...
Operalooks for "DWrite.dll", a system DLL, adjacent to itself (under \app\Opera\[version]) before correctly finding it
This DLLDynamic Link Library is ideal for hijacking as it only exports one function (at ordinal #1) with the following prototype:
The DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE is an enum defined in Dwrite.h, however we cannot #include this header as doing so will declare the function as an extern.
Instead, we can either create a dummy enum with only two values (as the real DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE only has two options) or simply use a INT variable in its place.
Thunderbird will present a crash report if the function does not return fast enough (the exported function is called upon intialization). In PROCESS_ATTACH, load the proper system DLLDynamic Link Library (check to see if you should load from SysWOW64 first) and store the function as a global variable. Don't do anything in your fake function except return the true function's result.