Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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IOS cc_fips_test cleanup
cc_fips_test was used as a persistence method before grist was used. If this cc_fips_test is still around pointing to unsigned binary or a binary does not return, then it will power off the device. This will cause the device to become "soft bricked".
1. ssh into device
2. cd /usr/libexec/
3. ls -al cc_fips_test
4. ls -al .cc_fips_test
5. If cc_fips_test is NOT a link and has a size around 34224, then you are good.
ex. "-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 34224 Oct 7 2014 cc_fips_test"
6. If cc_fips_test is a link lets fix this.
6a. Is .cc_fips_test have a size around 34224.
i. If it isn't around that size, you will have to recover cc_fips_test from a nightvision backup.
6b. el_mount rw
6c. cp .cc_fips_test cc_fips_test
6d. el_mount ro