Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #524297
EDG Familiarization TDY
Before You Go...
- Talk to CCIE/Engineering about your planned TDYTemporary Duty (Temporary relocation) timeline. Consider US/German holidays, current Base activities, USGUS Government shutdowns, world events.
- Write your own cable requesting TDYTemporary Duty (Temporary relocation) concurrence. Seriously, if you have never written a cable in your entire career, do it yourself. Learn to write a cable.
- Learn/create your cover-for-action story. There will be a difference based on your own cover status. Talk to CCIE/Engineering.
- Have your Point-of-Contact information on your person.
- Have a travel credit card. You will need the PINPersonal Identification Number to get a cash advance. Advance and conversion fees are accountable on your TDYTemporary Duty (Temporary relocation) voucher. Government Travel Cards work great for this.
- If you are using a personal credit card, be sure to call your credit card company and notify them of your travel to Germany.
During Your Flight...
- Flying Lufthansa: Booze is free so enjoy (within reason)! Flying United: My condolences, but at least you are earning a United leg towards a status increase.
- If you have an overnight (most likely), try and get some sleep. It will help you adjust faster to the time difference. (6 hours ahead!)
When You Arrive...
- Breeze through German Customs because you have your cover-for-action story down pat, and all they did was stamp your passport.
- Get some Euros from a DeutscheBank ATM (not a Travellex machine... not the same thing). (You remembered your credit card w/ its PIN, right?)
- Get a cab to your hotel. Check in, drop off your bags, shower (you probably need one).
Before You Leave...
- Work with CCIE/Engineering to draft a TDYTemporary Duty (Temporary relocation) Wrap-up cable. Cable traffic or it didn't happen.
- Leave with as few Euros in your pocket as possible. Current record is held by User #524297 at 0.52 € !
- Buy something in Duty Free, because you're awesome and you deserve it! (Might I recommend a travellers' edition single malt whisky?)
Differences based on Your Cover for Status
If you are OVERT CIA... | If you are COVERT Nominal State... | |
Your Point of Contact's Actual Job | Frankfurt Base Officer or Declared CCIECenter for Cyber Intelligence/Europe TIO | CCIE/Engineering |
Your Point of Contact's Cover Office | Political/Military (POL/MIL) | Regional Information Management Center/Frankfurt Support Center (RIMC/FSC) |
Your Cover Story | "Supporting technical consultations... " | "Supporting technical consultations... " |