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Debug Print Debugger Detection
OutputDebugString, and other functions like it, effectively causes an exception to be raised (DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C or 0x40010006) which Windows catches. The arguments for the exception are the debug message string, and the length of the string.
When a debugger is attached, Windows will eat the exception and let the debugger know. If no debugger is attached, the exception is passed to the program (as a continuable error). If the program
does not have a handler for the exception, then life goes on. If the program does, then that exception handler is called. The former is most likely in normal programs, since there's usually no reason
for a program to handle the event when OutputDebugString has no debugger to print to.
In the case of anti-debugging, if a program uses RaiseException to throw DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C, and have an exception handler ready to handle the exception, you can detect a debugger's presence by checking to see if your handler was called. This
can be something as simple as follows:
BOOL IsThereADebugger()
RaiseException(DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C, 0, 0, 0);
__except(GetExceptionCode() == DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
In the course of analyzing a commercial program for a requirement, Umbrage discovered that this commercial program utilized this technique in their licensing checks to prevent a debugger from starting the program, or attaching to a running instance of the program. The following example is a rough implementation of the strategy used:
typedef struct _ARGS{
BOOL IsThereADebugger()
BOOL bReturn;
bReturn = StackAdjust(10);
__except(GetExceptionCode() == DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C)
LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pepException = GetExceptionInformation();
pepException->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1] = 0x10;
<other context-record specific stuff>
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
return bReturn;
//Argument is placed in ECX, not on stack
//The purpose of this function wasn't clear. It seems to be attempting to decrease ESP far enough such that it wouldn't be obvious where the local variable being checked is stored
BOOL StackAdjust(int iterations)
sub esp, 0x2c
dec ecx
jle RaiseExcept
call StackAdjust
add esp, 0x2c
call RaiseException
jmp Unwind
BOOL RaiseException()
DWORD dwFlag = 0; //This local's address is sent as part of the argument struct for the Dbg print exception. This value is changed by the program's exception handler (if called at all)
DWORD dwTemp; //not important, filler for second required arg for this dbg print exception
ARGS args; = &dwTemp;
args.two = &dwFlag;
RaiseException(DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C, 0, 2, &args); //If a debugger is attached, it WILL handle this exception (tested with IDA and Olly)
if (dwFlag == 0)
return TRUE; //Debugger was present since their exception handler was not called
return FALSE; //Their exception handler was called, so no debugger is present
I'm not sure whether or not this more complex example is better than the simplier one.