Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #20251227
Hacking Team Source Dump Map
A little while ago, the Italian company known as Hacking Team was, well, hacked. As a result, the source code to their implants were publicly leaked and posted to Github. Additionally, other materials were made public including a couple of 0-days, and various other things.
In the interest of providing potentially useful capabilities, we acquired some of the aforementioned source code from Github, did a quick review of the code, and created a map of capability to some source files which are relevant to the implementation of said capability. Looking for code that implements screen captures? What about code that implements interactions with Facebook (such as getting location data)? Hungry for Browser cookies? Consult the map.
Keep in mind, that no effort was made to compile/build and/or test this code. Some of this could be buggy, some of it might have been code which was under development, etc. However, the most value is in treating the code as a starting point, a toehold, if you will.
The code archives are on \\fs-01\ at:
The map, which is implemented as a few pages in a spreadsheet, is located on the share at: