Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Ghidra 6.0.10 on OSX/El Capitan
1. Get cifs://
2. Extract it somewhere
3. Get ifs://
4. Extract it somewhere
5. Get cifs://
6. Install it
7. Put the extracted ghidra directory containing ghidraRun in your PATH by editing your .profile
8. Execute ghidraRun
1. None of the other Java installers will function properly on El Capitan.
2. You need to analyze binaries in Ghidra 5.6.3 because 6.0.10 is a broken turd. But after this, you can open them in 6.0.10
Getting New Versions of Ghidra
1. Go to and create a drop-box account (automatic/easy)
2. Ask to send the files to your account (please get all OS/versions/TS//SCI stuff)
3. Put it in smb://fs-01/NSA/ghidra
2015-09-16 06:52 [User #524297]: