Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71475
AntHill 2.0
Supported Functions
Function | Notes |
CreateFile[W/A] | |
WriteFile | |
ReadFile | |
SetFilePointer[Ex] | |
CloseHandle | |
GetFileAttributes[W/A] | |
CreateDirectory[W/A] | |
RemoveDirectory[W/A] | |
DeleteFile[W/A] | |
MoveFileEx[W/A] | Treats the MOVE_ON_REBOOT flag as "move now" and MOVE_ON_REBOOT with NULL dest as "delete now" |
CopyFile[W/A] | |
FindFirstFile[W/A] | |
FindNextFile[W/A] | |
FindClose |
Common Gotchas and Limitations
Creating recursive directories
You must create directories recursively manually if required, CreateDirectory[W/A] are the only available functions
Checking if path exists
Use GetFileAttributes[W/A] for checking for the existence of a file/directory rather than using PathFileExsts, etc.