Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Random bits of knowledge
Sep 17 17:15:18 iPhone mobile_storage_proxy[144] <Error>: 0x19cf67310 handle_receive_bytes: The request is missing the disk image signature
Sep 17 17:15:18 iPhone mobile_storage_proxy[144] <Error>: 0x19cf67310 handle_receive_bytes: failed, unlinking
Sep 17 17:15:18 iPhone mobile_storage_proxy[144] <Error>: 0x19cf67310 main: Could not receive bytes
Sep 17 17:15:19 iPhone mobile_storage_proxy[145] <Error>: 0x19cf67310 handle_mount_image: Could not find disk image
Update your iTunes. Your MobileDevices framework is too old.
Building and Using XPWN tools (xpwntool, ipsw, dmg, etc)
- Download from internet:
- brew install libpng
- Uses cmake, so do:
- mkdir ~/build && cd build && cmake ../xpwn && make && make package
- Xpwn-*.zip will be created with binaries
- test everything runs
Decrypting an ipsw
- unzip the Xpwn-*.zip
- ./dmg extract ~/Downloads/iOS9beta.unzipped/058-21603-023.dmg ~/Downloads/rootfs_decrypted.dmg -k <akey>