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Mach-O Symbol and Entitlement Tools
Generating the Database
I wrote some scripts to help me find symbols and entitlements on mach-o and fat files. The project is called Macho-tools.
Here's how you generate the database and cache information about your mach-o files:
# all of the following steps take a long time
# search for mach-o and fat files, put them in the database
# cache symbol information about the mach-o files in the database
# cache entitlement information about the mach-o files in the database
Since building the symbol database takes a long time, I've uploaded some of the databases:
- osx-10.11.1 (GM)
To make it your default database, put it in ~/.bmacho.db
Searching the Database
Here's how you search the database
# find defined symbols like 'strtok'
# by default it shows symbols in i386 and amd64 arches, but you can show arm/ppc as well -l strtok
# show STAB/debug symbols
# this will show files that #include'd Mat.h -s strtok -t N_SOL -l Mat.h
# show all entitlements/files '*'
# show all entitlements for /usr/sbin/spindump -e /usr/sbin/spindump
# show all defined symbols in libFosl_dynamic.dylib -s /usr/lib/libFosl_dynamic.dylib
# show all STAB/debug data in -S /usr/lib/libFosl_dynamic.dylib