Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71467
HG will be delivered for JQJHAIRPIECE later this week (8/19/2015) for the Cisco 2960S. CONOP will be to use SMITE. Testing will be limited to performance testing and SMITE in order to provide a quick turn around for Operator.
Testing summary
Testing Notes
Information about target:
- WS-C2960S-24PD-L (testing used WS-C2960S-24PS-L)
- Boot loader version 12.2(55r)SE (testing used 12.2(55r)SE1)
- IOS c2960s-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8.bin
- Local authentication
- 7 interfaces up - 1,5,6,9,10,20,24
- ports 1,5,6,10 are in VLANVirtual Local Area Network 3
- port 20 is in VLANVirtual Local Area Network 8
- port 24 is uplink trunk
- MGMT IP - int vlan 10 -
- Client mode for VTPVLANVirtual Local Area Network Trunk Protocol domain cisco
- VLANS configured - 1 - 12
- Upstream router - WS-3560G-24-TS running IOSApple operating system for small devices C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M, version 12.2(55)SE9. (testing used WS-C3560G-24PS running IOS C3560-IPSERVICESK9-M, version 12.2(55)SE8)
VMS used
- ICON1-UbuntuDesktop12.04_x64-LTS
- Hairpiece-Seeds-Fedora10
- Hairpiece-Flux-
- Hairpiece-Victim -
- Test