Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #14587667
Config Explanation
ospf 1
import-route direct
import-route static
- import-route: redistribute AS-external routes from another routing protocol
- import-route direct: redistribute networks of local interfaces
- import-route static: redistribute static routes
- network: enable OSPFOpen Shortest Path First on the interface attached to this network
ip netstream export host 2055 (actual config uses port 9021)
NetStream is an accounting technology that provides statistics on a per-flow basis. An IPv4 flow is defined by the following 7-tuple elements: Destination IP address, Source IP address, Destination port number, Source port number, Protocol number, ToS, Inbound or outbound interface.
Configure the address and port number of the NetStream server as the destination for the NetStream data export. Use the default source interface for the NetStream data export.
traffic classifier 2p-shiping operator and
if-match acl 3005
- 2p-shiping: classifier-name
- operator: Sets the operator to logic AND (the default) or OR for the traffic class.
- and: Specifies the logic AND operator. The traffic class matches the packets that match all its criteria.
traffic behavior 2p-shiping
queue af bandwidth 2000
- traffic behavior: create a traffic behavior and enter traffic behavior view.
- 2p-shiping: policy-name
- queue af: enable assured-forwarding (AF) and set its minimum guaranteed bandwidth.
- bandwidth: Specifies the bandwidth in the range of 8 to 10000000 kbps.
- <Sysname> display traffic classifier user-defined # Display information about all user-defined traffic classes.
qos policy 2p-shiping
classifier 2p-shiping behavior 2p-shiping
- sp-shiping: policy-name
- Associates traffic class '2p-shiping' with behavior '2p-shiping' for this QoS policy ('2p-shiping')
nqa entry imclinktopologypleaseignore ping
type icmp-echo
destination ip
frequency 270000
- admin-name operation-tag: Specifies an NQA operation by its administrator name and operation tag.
- The admin-name argument represents the name of the administrator who creates the NQA operation.
- The operation-tag argument represents the operation tag. Each of the arguments is a case-insensitive
- string of 1 to 32 characters that cannot contain hyphens (-).
- type: specify the operation type of the NQA operation and enter operation type view.
- icmp-echo: Specifies the ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol echo operation type.
- destination ip: configure the destination IP address for the operation.
- frequency: specify the interval at which the NQA operation repeats.
nqa schedule imclinktopologypleaseignore ping start-time now lifetime 630720000
interface Pos2/7/0
ip address <ip>
ip netstream inbound
ip netstream outbound
- Enable IPv4 NetStream to collect statistics about the incoming and outgoing traffic on this interface
interface Serial2/6/5
ip address <ip> <mask>
packet-filter 3001 inbound
- packet-filter: apply an ACLAccess Control List to an interface to filter packets.
- display packet-filter statistics: display match statistics and default action statistics of ACLs for packet filtering.