Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Docker is a tool to quickly build and depoy containers (kinda like a 'lite' VMVirtual Machine) but with the same running Linux kernel. It is useful for quickly spinning up a system to act as a webserver or redirector or anything linuxy.
Below is quickstart guide. Use the google for anything more detailed.
On OSX, install boot2docker (smb:// . This requires virtualbox. I don't use the one that comes w/ boot2docker.
On Linux, install docker
Linux install files located at smb://
$ ## ON OSXApple operating system
$ boot2docker init
$ boot2docker down
##enable 3rd network adaptor with bridge support in VMVirtual Machine settings (if you want devlan access)
$ boot2docker up
$ boot2docker ssh
# inside vm:
$ ifconfig, record ip address of 3rd device and exit
# back on OSXApple operating system
$ eval "$(boot2docker shellinit)"
# On both OSXApple operating system or Linux.
# Note: On Linux, docker requires root or add yourself to the docker group.
$ cat <fs-01/mdb/Linux/Software/docker-ubuntu-trusty-devlan.tar.gz | docker import - ubuntu:devlan
$ docker run -i -t nginx
$ docker build -t="myredir" . # with dockerfile
$ docker run -i -t bin/bash
$ docker run --name nginx -p 443:443 -p 80:80 --hostname=myhost --net=bridge -d -t docker_ps_name
# some useful commands
$ docker stop nginx
$ # start it again
$ docker start nginx
Sample Docker file