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New Developers Guide for MDB
- Android
- iOS
- Training plan for new developers:
Day 1:
- Overview of the branch, walk thru MDB, WGB, AEDApplied Engineering Devision and EDGEngineering Development Branch front offices.
- Setup devalue and internet accounts
- Day 2:
- Setup development environment
- Day 3:
- AED Development Tradecraft
- Training on EDGEngineering Development Branch development resources and tools:
- Stash
- Jira
- Confluence (Droid and iOS)
- Bamboo
- Day 4:
- Overview of MDBMobile Development Branch products & tools, techniques, architecture, etc.. (may require a 2nd day):
- Android:
- Privilege Escalation (privesc)
- Remote Code Execution (RCE) Exploits
- Implants
- Anger Management
- iOS:
- iOS Exploits
- Implant
- Day 5:
- Git Distributed Version Control Home
- Git hands on tutorial (unclassified internet) -->
- Day 6:
- Introduction to Poseidon
- Day 7:
- Attempt to build a couple products such as Bowtie and Anger Management
- Day 8:
- Assign small task(s) via Jira.
- Assign small task(s) via Jira.
Day 1:
Previous versions:
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