Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #14587667
Bumble - Test Notes
- Installed HP MSR 4080 chassis in Rack 2/Pod 4.
- Installed MPU-100 (x2), and SPU-100 cards into MSR 4080 chassis.
- Racked and Setup console access for Cisco 2911 and 3845 in Rack 2 to use for Bumble testing.
- Configure E1 cards in 2911:
HWIC0 (2E1): card type e1 0 0
HWIC1 (1E1): card type e1 0 1
- Configure E1 cards in 2911:
- Created RANCID project for Bumble network devices. Added 2911, 3845.
- Added static route to
- Setup MSR
- Configure static IP, static route to, NTPNetwork Time Protocol client
- Requested POS card and E1 cables (MSR (DB15) <-> Cisco (RJ48C)) from User #73620.
- Installed 4-port E1 card in MSR
- Racked Cisco 3825 (from old cabinet) and 2811 (from NDBNetwork Devices Branch lab). Configured console server and connected ethernet cables to TOR2 gi1/0/5-6.
- Backed up original 2811 config and connected to network (IP =
- Configured MSR to Cisco E1 links
- Configured MSR to Cisco Mutilink ppp lines (3E1).
ID | Status | Task |
1 | complete | User #14587667 Get 2800 router from NDBNetwork Devices Branch Lab (R6/U27) |
6 | incomplete | User #14587667 Put 1E1 HWIC in 2800 router |
7 | incomplete | User #14587667 Setup SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol server and configure MSR. |
8 | incomplete | User #14587667 Setup loopbacks on MSR neighbor routes. Use downstream IPs from MSR static routes. |
9 | incomplete | User #14587667 Connect ASRAzure Site Recovery to another router via fiber. |
5 | incomplete | User #14587667 Configure syslog server |
4 | incomplete | User #14587667 Confgure SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol server |
3 | incomplete | User #14587667 Configure OSPF |
2 | incomplete | User #14587667 Configure E1 links |