Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #14587667
DUT 3 - RB450G - Long Term Test
VLAN: 612 (TOR6 gi1/0/10)
Tool Versions Used:
ChimayRed 4.5.1
TshPatcher 1.0.4
Perseus 1.1.0
- Setup CactiEZ server for syslog/snmp. Turned Cacti server off since it wasn't working properly.
- Configured as syslog server.
- To view logs: tail - f /var/log/syslog
- Configured Default Route (/ip route add gateway=
- Configured NATNetwork Address Translation (/ip firewall nat> add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1)
- Configure NTPNetwork Time Protocol (/system clock set time-zone-name=America/New_York)
- Configure Syslog (/system logging action set 3 bsd-syslog=yes remote=
- Setup HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol Seed from LANLocal Area Network host VMVirtual Machine ( to webserver (
- Setup DNSDomain Name System Seed from LANLocal Area Network host VMVirtual Machine ( to
Configure SNMP
- /snmp community set [ find default=yes ] addresses=
/snmp set enabled=yes trap-version=2
- Setup graphing of interface, CPU, Disk, and RAMRandom Access Memory on DUT.
Before attacking DUT.
- Configured SSHSecure Shell server on COGComputer Operations Group ICON3 VM.
- Copied over ChimayRed v3.7, TshPatcher v1.0.4, and Perseus v1.1.0
- 12:40 UTCCoordinate Universal Time :
- Build flux node: flx-packer -s linux:mipsbe:mikrotik:6.x -o mt-mipsbe-flx_node_icon3 -k aaaabbbbccccdddd --link "ip4= tcp=443 watchdog=0:0" -m 1250
- 10:20 UTC:
(CPU is toggling between 0% and 2%)
- Performing an 'ls' when you are hidden in a directory shows the files in that directory
- Checked resource usage (/system clock print = time: 08:59:32 date: jul/10/2015)
- Checked resource usage (/system clock print = time: 07:46:01 date: jul/13/2015)
- Viewed CPU, Memory, and Disk Usage graphs. All looked normal.
- Checked resource usage (/system clock print = time: 06:46:19 date: jul/15/2015)
Operator Notes
- ROS 6.28 has a Firewall Filter Rule to drop access to WANWide Area Network side ethernet port. This was disabled in order to throw ChimayRed.