Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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MDB AngerManagement Op Delivery
- Create a folder in /share/MDB/Android/Operations if there does not already exist one for the operation.
- Visit to get the lastest build number.
- Visit[LATEST_BUILD_NUMBER]/artifact/JOB1/Delivery/ and download the latest tar.gz build.
- Extract the RELEASE folder inside the tar.gz into the specific OP folder (ie. JQJLIMECAKE).
- Rename the RELEASE folder to correspond to the AngerManagement release version (ie. AngerManagement_v1.5-OP_RELEASE).
- Extract the angermanagement_vX.Y.tar from BIN/UNCLASSIFIED_FOUO into SRC/TOPSECRET_NOFORN
- Copy the latest BEM from the latest release of Quafflehamr (see /share/ESD_ELECTRONIC_DELIVERIES) into SRC/TOPSECRET_NOFORN
- The specific operation root directory run ```git clone ssh:// #73583/make-plist.git```
- Copy the file into the SRC/TOPSECRET_NOFORN directory
- Obtain the following information from the Operator
- bowtie-url
- hamr-url
- proxy-cert
- port
- targets
- Generate a passphrase (OSOperating System X can use the keychain password generation tool)
- Using the information obtained from the target create a bash script (ie. SRC/TOPSECRET_NOFORN/ with the following
./make-plist --bowtie-url=[BOWTIE_URL] --hamr-url=[HAMR_URL] --proxy-cert=[PROXY_CERT] --port \[PORT] --bowtie-config=bowtie_config.xml --passphrase \[PASSPHRASE] -t \[TARGETS SEPARATED BY SPACES]
./bem build -f config.plist fel angermanagement_vX.Y/*.hamr -t bowtie_config.xml
- Run which will spit out a fel
- Copy the fel from SRC/TOPSECRET_NOFORN into BIN/FOUO
- Copy bt.php into BIN/FOUO, can be obtained from the latest __
- Copy into BIN/FOUO can be obtained from the latest __