Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71467
Cisco 881 - Cinnamon 5.0 for PPC
Tests we should perform
- Smaller (<1500) MTUMaximum Transmission Unit sizes in beacons to Blot
- "Realistic" web servers for Internet detection (DNSDomain Name System and HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol GET)
- DNS forwarding
- Recursive DNS
- New DNS_PROBE# list in cinnamon.cfg
- Different beacon intervals and jitter rates (cinnamon.cfg)
- Inspect wireshark of beacons (TLSTransport Layer Security handshake with Blot)
- Upgrading (and downgrading) IOSApple operating system for small devices while Cinnamon installed
- Uninstall
- IAC/Norb install -> tool_upgrade command to persist
- Breaking Point
- Small office profile
- Packet scrambler (fuzzing)
- VoIP traffic
- Traffic Survey
- Redirection
- SNMP - get CPU utilization
- Other SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol we want?
- tc (traffic conditioning) - linux
- What ROMMONRead-Only Memory Monitor Cisco bootstrap program to use for ops delivery?
- Use active filters for both survey and redirect at the same time
- Inspect survey and redirect output with different rules and verify that correct traffic was captured as expected
- Persist CMNCaiman (Codename)? and then reload, test re-uploading and using modules
- Test restarting modules/loading/unloading without reboot
- Monitor for memory leaks (with multiple module reloads or reboots, traffic, etc) - long term monitoring
- Perform system administrator functions while cmn present/active
- Reload nodes behind/adjacent to DUTDevice Under Test while CMNCaiman (Codename)? active
- Configure DUTDevice Under Test for SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol Traps, tac_plus authentication, Solarwinds and verify CIConcern concerns with logging
- Reload times with Persisten CMN