Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Installing Homebrew on DEVLAN
- mkdir ~/brew
- cd brew
- git clone ssh://
export HOMEBREW_CACHE=/Volumes/share/Homebrew/Caches # on
Note, not all "formulae" are available. Please mirror them to the above share path for others
Installing Formulae / Packages
- export HOMEBREW_CACHE=/Volumes/share/Homebrew/Caches
- Install Homebrew on an internet-enabled machine
- On the internet-enabled machine, download the dependencies / bottles / whatever by doing a brew fetch --deps, which will download all the dependencies to either ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew or /Library/Caches/Homebrew.
- DTO those downloaded files to /Volumes/share/Homebrew/Caches on DEVLAN
- brew install <formula name>
$ export HOMEBREW_CACHE=/Volumes/share/Homebrew/Caches
$ cp grep-2.20.tar.xz xz-5.0.5.mavericks.bottle.3.tar.gz pcre-8.35.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz $(HOMEBREW_CACHE)/
$ brew install grep