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Group Policy Startup Script (PSEDStartupScript_LDGR - Ledger)
OSB Library: Persistence Library
Module Name: PSEDStartupScript_LDGR - Ledger
Module Description: This module creates and edits HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GroupPolicy and INI files under C:\Windows\System32\Group Policy\* to set a Startup Script. Startup Scripts run on boot and are often used for virus definition updates or network maintenance scripts. Group Policies are visible in the Group Policy editor (gpedit.msc). However, it does not appear that Startup Scripts is visible in Autoruns.exe (see Sysinternals). This module requires administrator to install persistence. On boot, the persisted command will be executed as SYSTEM. Below is an example of the Group Policy Editor where Startup, Shutdown, Logon, and Logoff scripts may be set.
PSP/OS Issues: Windows 7+
('excerpt' missing)
Sharing Level: Unilateral
Technique Origin: In-house (Group Policy Objects can be set through gpedit.msc and are often used for virus definition updates, and mapping network drives for users)
- When removing persistence, any command being persisted with the same command/argument pair will be deleted
- Works on Windows 7+
- Modifies registry and INI files in C:\Windows\System32\Group Policy
- When added to the list of Startup Scripts, the command is added to the end of the list
- When Startup Scripts are removed, any commands after the removed command get moved up (i.e. will maintain integrity of the script order)
- Always sets a Startup Script (no logon, logoff, or shutdown support)
- Supports installing from a 32-bit application on a 64-bit OS
Module Specific Structures:
static struct LEDGER
WCHAR *wcArgs; //The arguments to be passed to the executable
static struct LEDGER_REMOVE
WCHAR *wcTargetPath; //The command and arguments being persisted (will remove all entries matching the command and argument)
WCHAR *wcArgs;
Example Code:
IPersistence *pPersist = new PSEDStartupScript_LDGR();
//Setup argument structures
lArgs.wcArgs = NULL;
lRemove.wcArgs = wcParameters;
lRemove.wcTargetPath = wcCommand;
//Persist command
PersistErr pErr = pPersist->PersistPayload(wcCommand, &lArgs);
//Remove Persistence
pErr = pPersist->RemovePersistence(&lRemove);
delete pPersist;