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Payload Deployment Library
Payload Deployment API
Stash Repository: Payload Deployment Library
Interface Description:
The interface for the Payload Deployment Library specifies an execute function be written. The prototype is as follows:
virtual PayloadErr execute(LPBYTE payload, DWORD payloadSize, LPVOID params, DWORD paramsSize, LPHANDLE returnHandle);
payload [in]: pointer to an array of BYTEs containing the module to be deployed
payloadSize [in]: size, in bytes, of the payload
params [in, opt]: pointer to struct containing the module's arguments
paramsSize [in, opt]: size, in bytes, of the params struct
returnHandle [out, opt]: pointer to HANDLE of the loaded module. (not always used)
Returns a PayloadErr. PayloadErr values are described in the Library Error Codes section.
Library Conventions: Describe any and all conventions submissions should adhere to for this library. Applying a naming convention can help with the organization of the library.
Payload Deployment Member List:
Error Code Descriptions: List error codes with descriptions. Use either a bulleted list or the code block macro. Remember, error codes must be compatible with the SUCCEEDED() and FAILED() macros.
Error Codes List
enum PayloadErr : int { ePD_ERROR_SUCCESS = 0, // generic success ePD_ERROR_GENERIC = -1, // generic failure // Error return codes: File errors ePD_ERROR_FILE = -10, // there was an issue opening the desired file ePD_ERROR_FILE_IO = -11, // there was an issue reading or writing to a file // Error return codes: Bad payload ePD_ERROR_INVALID_PE = -20, // the payload is not a valid PEPrivilege Escalation file ePD_ERROR_WRONG_PE_ARCHITECTURE = -21, // the payload does not match the architecture of the executing process ePD_ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND = -22, // a required dependency module could not be found // Error return codes: Memory errors ePD_ERROR_MEMORY = -30, ePD_ERROR_MEMORY_REMOTE = -31, // Error return codes: Payload errors ePD_ERROR_INIT_FAILED = -41, // there was an error calling the PE's entry point ePD_ERROR_UNLOAD_FAILED = -42, // there was an error unloading the PE ePD_ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND = -43, // the address of the exported function could not be found (DLLDynamic Link Library only) ePD_ERROR_EXPORTED_FUNCTION = -44, // the exported function returned a failure result ePD_ERROR_EXPORTED_FUNCTION_NON_CRITICAL = -45, // the exported function return a non-critical failure result ePD_ERROR_EXPORTED_FUNCTION_CRITICAL = -46, // the exported function return a critical failure result // Error return codes: Parameter errors ePD_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS = -50, // the module received invalid params ePD_ERROR_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = -51, // the version of module is not supported ePD_ERROR_WRONG_BEHAVIOR = -52, // the requested behavior is not supported // Error return codes: Remote Injection errors ePD_ERROR_REMOTE_PROCESS_NOT_FOUND = -60, // the target process could not be found (invalid PIDProcess ID) ePD_ERROR_REMOTE_PROCESS_ACCESS_DENIED = -61, // the target process could not be opened with the required permissions ePD_ERROR_REMOTE_THREAD_CREATION_FAILED = -62, // could not create a remote thread ePD_ERROR_REMOTE_PROCESS_WRONG_PE_ARCHITECTURE = -63, // Error return codes: WMI/COM errors ePD_ERROR_WMI_INIT = -70, //Initialization of WMIWindows Management Instrumentation Object failed ePD_ERROR_COM_INIT = -71, //Failed to init COM ePD_ERROR_COM_CLASS_CREATE = -72, //Failed to obtain a class in COM // Error return codes: Pipe errors ePD_ERROR_FAILED_PIPE_CREATE = -80, //Failed to create the pipe // Error return codes: Sessions/Tokens ePD_ERROR_NO_SESSION = -90, //Failed to grab the session of id of the requested user ePD_ERROR_FAILED_GET_TOKEN = -91 //Failed to get the appropriate token };
Code Sample Using The Library Interface:
Reflectively load ImprovedDummyDll into the current process
// reflectively loads improvedDummyDll into the current process LoadFireAndForgetFromMemory_INTD *pFireAndForget = NULL; PMODULE_REMOTE_ARGS pRemoteArgs = NULL; HANDLE hFireAndForgetThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; pFireAndForget = new LoadFireAndForgetFromMemory_INTD; pRemoteArgs = new MODULE_REMOTE_ARGS; pRemoteArgs->version = 2; wcscpy_s(pRemoteArgs->cmdline, L"arg1 arg2 arg3"); if (IPayload::ePD_ERROR_SUCCESS == pFireAndForget->execute(improvedDummyDll, sizeof(improvedDummyDll), pRemoteArgs, sizeof(MODULE_REMOTE_ARGS), &hFireAndForgetThread) && hFireAndForget != NULL) { WaitForSingleObject(hFireAndForgetThread, 120000); CloseHandle(hFireAndForgetThread); } delete(pFireAndForget); pFireAndForget = NULL; -
Inject improvedDummyDll into notepad.exe
// Injects improvedDummyDll into notepad.exe IPayload::PayloadErr retVal; HANDLE hProc = NULL; retVal = InjectLibraryFromMemory::OpenProcessByName(&hProc, L"notepad.exe"); if (SUCCEEDED(retVal) && hProc != NULL) { InjectLibraryFromMemory myInject; retVal = myInject.execute(improvedDummyDll, sizeof(improvedDummyDll), hProc, sizeof(HANDLE), NULL); CloseHandle(hProc); } -
Inject ImprovedDummyDll into notepad.exe and call the FireAndForget v2.0 exported ordinal with a command line argument
// Injects improvedDummyDll into notepad.exe as a Fire & Forget v2.0 module with a command line argument string IPayload::PayloadErr retVal; HANDLE hProc = NULL; DWORD dwFireAndForgetThreadExitCode = 0; HANDLE hFireAndForgetThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; retVal = InjectLibraryFromMemory::OpenProcessByName(&hProc, L"notepad.exe"); if (SUCCEEDED(retVal) && hProc != NULL) { InjectFireAndForgetFromMemory myFireAndForget; // setup arguments structure -- these must be heap allocated with the new operator PMODULE_INJECT_ARGS pInjectArgs = new MODULE_INJECT_ARGS; // fire and forget args are a substructure pInjectArgs->pRemoteArgs = new MODULE_REMOTE_ARGS; // set remote process handle in args struct pInjectArgs->hProcess = hProc; // set fire and forget version in fire and forget substruct pInjectArgs->pRemoteArgs->version = 2; // set commandline in fire and forget substruct wcscpy_s(pInjectArgs->pRemoteArgs->cmdline, L"Unit Test Command Line"); // execute will kick off the remote Fire & Forget thread, which we need to wait on to get the return code retVal = myFireAndForget.execute(improvedDummyDll, sizeof(improvedDummyDll), pInjectArgs, sizeof(MODULE_INJECT_ARGS), &hFireAndForgetThread); WaitForSingleObject(hFireAndForgetThread, INFINITE); GetExitCodeThread(hFireAndForgetThread, &dwFireAndForgetThreadExitCode); // NOTE: You don't need to CloseHandle on hProc, as the destructor for InjectFireAndForgetFromMemory closes it for you. // NOTE: DO NOT delete the pInjectArgs or pInjectArgs->pRemoteArgs yourself -- these are cleaned up by the InjectFireAndForgetFromMemory inside its destructor. }