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Owner: User #14587667
Workaround for OVF Deployment Failed
Problem: When deploying VMs received from PW from OVF template and browsing to an OVA file, deployment fails with the following error message:
"OVF Deployment Failed: File ds:///vmfs/volumes/uuid/_deviceImage-0.iso was not found"
Cause: The CDCompact Disk drive was connected when OVA file was created, so now import process is attempting to mount a non-existent drive
Step-by-step guide
- Use 7-zip to extract the contents of the OVA file (this is just a tar file)
- Edit the .ovf file to change "vmware.cdrom.iso" to "vmware.cdrom.remotepassthrough"
- Use Hashcalc to recalculate the SHA1 sum of the .ovf file and update this value in the .mf file
- Re-tar the files to create a new OVA file
- I used an Ubuntu linux VMVirtual Machine to do this becuase I couldn't make 7-zip work.
- Note that the .ovf file must the first file in the new OVA file - the following process will work, but feel free to accomplish this how you see fit:
- Copy the three files to be tar'd onto the //server_ip/Share folder
- Log in to an Ubuntu VMVirtual Machine with access
- Create a dir named share in /mnt if one does not already exist
- Mount the share - mount -t cifs -o username=administrator,password=<password> //server_ip/Share /mnt/share
- Change directory into /mnt/share - you should see your files here
- Create the tar first with the .ovf file, being sure to name it with a .ova extension - tar cvf vm.ova vm.ovf
- Then add the .mf and .vmdk files - tar uvf vm.ova *.mf *.vmdk
- The new OVA file can now be imported to VMware
- You can also copy and paste or drag and drop images into your instructions.
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