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Owner: User #14587667
CactiEZ Syslog Fix
If you install CactiEZ, and configure remote logging on a device, you may notice that is doesn't show up in Cacti. This is due to a bug in the rsyslog config on the Cacti server. To fix the configuration, follow the step below:
- Log into Cacti server CLICommand-Line Interface using the username 'root' and the password you set for the 'admin' user.
- Edit the following in /etc/rsyslog.conf (You may want to create a backup of the config file first)
- Uncomment the lines:
- $ModLoad imudp
- $ModLoad imtcp
- Change %syslogfacility%, %syslogpriority%, to '%syslogfacility-text%', '%syslogpriority-text%',
- Notice the variables are now in quotes
- Uncomment the lines:
- Restart syslog service
- service rsyslog restart
- If you have a device configured to send syslog messages to Cacti, you should now see them appear in the Syslog tab.