Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #1179751
10. Verbiage and Acronyms
ERB (Engineering Review Board): When EDGEngineering Development Branch delivers a tool they present the tool's features, capabilities, and limitations at the ERB (held every Monday). There is also a review of the testing results (to include forensics) supplied by IV&V. It is also good to cover the CONOPS in which the tool is intended to operate.
QRC (Quick Reaction Capability): A QRC is a short-fuse, time sensitive operation in which tool development is needed. The requirement will have a priority rating of 1 if it is a QRC. QRC's usually last somewhere between 1 day to 3 months.
OOC (Out-Of-Cycle): An out of cycle delivery usually happens when a QRC lasts for less than a week. In that case, the tool is devlivered in an Out-Of-Cycle delivery (a much smaller group of people in a more dynamic setting).
TDR (Tool Delivery Review): A tool delivery review is somewhat synonymous with ERB/OOC. Normally, you will here them in the context of TDR Slides. These are a set of slides that describe the tool CONOPS, the requirement tied to the tool, capabilities and limitations, and approvals.
PMB (Program Management Board): The Program Management Board is the ERB for programs (vs projects). The PMB also differs in that tools/programs are under review (by the board) throughout development not just at tool delivery.
WAR (Weekly Activity Report): A weekly activity report is a report to your direct supervisor describing the status (and light description) of everything you are currently working on.
IB (Infastructure Branch): Infrastructure branch helps provide support of both hardware and software needs
IV&V (Independent Verification & Validation):
MRB (Mission Requirement Board):
PSP (Personal Security Product):