Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #14587612
SOHO Triage
When a new target is identified by COG, some initial analysis must be done to understand what implant(s) are best suited to the device. This article explains how to conduct this initial triage. After this is complete, further testing of the implant must be performed with the environment matching the target (e.g. firmware version, encapsulation type, etc.)
Step-by-step guide
These steps assume COGComputer Operations Group has provided the make/model of the device, and ideally the firmware version running on it.
- Install pre-req software. These can be downloaded, User #14587612 also has copies on Devlan. Installation instructions are inclucded in each
- firmware-mod-kit
- binwalk
- sasquatch
- Download firmware from the target device manufacturer's website.
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