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Making Make Suck Less
- Use Make. Build scripts are usually a mistake.
- Use GNU make. It sucks the least.
- Build targets in the current directory
- Only use VPATH to locate source files, not intermediate targets.
- Never write a filename more than once.
- Don't use Make recursively.
- Don't use Autotools to generate Makefiles.
- Use implicit rules and predefined variables as much as possible.
- If you're not using +=, ?=, and := often, you're probably doing it wrong.
- CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS and LDLIBS should be used properly.
Sometimes, you don't even need a recipe to build a target, so don't type any more than you need to. For example, this Makefile compiles the foo executable from 3 implicit source files.
foo: foo.o bar.o baz.o
2015-11-24 17:08 [User #524328]:
re: #3 - i prefer out of source builds as oppose to littering all manner of tmp files in the source dir, which inevitably gets checked in.
recursive make is calling the make command within a makefile. generally use to build subprojects. the above paper (aaug97.pdf) gives indepth details, but what recursive make does is break your dependency tree. this makes it difficult/impossible to do threaded builds (-j), causes overbuilding (rebuilding things already built), and having to 'make clean' before actually building your project. all of which, is boo.
i also avoid vpath to prevent file name collisions/confusions.
2015-11-24 13:21 [User #2064619]:
RE: #6. I'm not saying I agree with all of it, but here is "Recursive Make Considered Harmful". I treat it like the "goto considered harmful" advice that's common on the internet... I still use goto in C in function error/cleanup exit cases. YMMV.
('view-file' missing)
2015-11-24 11:00 [User #524297]:
I'm not seeing it. Why is #3 crap? I'd still like to see #6 explained as well.
2015-11-20 13:04 [User #524328]:
if you try to fullfill all the above (except for 3, which is crap), you'll end up w/ something like makederps
2015-04-30 04:11 [User #524297]:
good stuff, should add a Make section here: Make . Some of these points need some additional explanation though.