Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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iOS Firmware Updating to latest procedure / Adding Exploit Support For New Devices
- See Reflash iOS Device , be sure to update Reflash Log CONFIDENTIAL
- After a device is flashed, adderall it.
- cd adderall repo sync -d make dist Dist/Release-MacOSX/adderall-dist ~/iosfiles
- After all devices are updated and adderall'd, time to generate symbols for earlies using elsym.
- cd early python symdra full -k ~/iosfiles cd elsym make coypalldist
If you adderall'd them all, that means you have trusted them. Save all the pairing records to the share.
- tar cvf /mdb/osx/DeveloperAccount/pairing_records_ios8.tar /var/db/lockdown
- Rebuild privileged nightvision and collect full filesystems for each device.
- cd nightvision make dist cd Dist/Release-iPhoneOS ./nv -c ../../elsym-dist get -o ./