Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Owner: User #71475
Post Processor Redesign
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User interaction and design
procepillar commands
It works the same way the md5sum utility works. You can use globing to select what files to generate md5 sums for, and you can pipe in (or pass from a file) a list of md5 sums and file names to validate. The file name is matched in the following order:
- Full, absolute path of file
- File ID
- Base file name
It differs from the md5sum command in it's output only by including the file ID of the file for the output. For example, md5sum outputs "{md5} {filename}" where we print out "{md5} {filename} – {fileid}". Also, we only support opening files (for creating the md5 sum) in binary mode.
Installation Notes
Windows Procepillar Install Notes
- installed python 3.4.3 from installer (for all users, added to path)
- installed postrgresql 9.4.1 from installer (password: postgres, port 5432, default locale. Did not install stack builder)
- installed erlang OTP 17.5 (defaults)
- installed rabbitmq-server 3.5.0 from installer (defaults)
- ran procepillar.bat (database was initialized, presented shell)
- created input folder and copied pcap into input
process -d 29144 input/5x5M_clean_port_29144_21980pkts.pcap (answer yes)
(shown status, no workers running)
- run procepillar.bat
worker start
(processing began in status window. successfully processed all chunks and file)