Vault7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

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Fight Club v1.0 (Current Version)
Fight Club v1.0
Fight Club is an umbrella crypt for the set of tools provided for the JQJINDISCREET QRC effort. For this effort, COGComputer Operations Group requested a prioritized development in which trojans would be built to drop and install Ricky Bobby 3.0. The trojans would be spread across 6 thumbdrives intended to be inserted into the supply chain of a target network/group. Upon opening any of the weaponized applications, the Ricky Bobby 3.0 would becom installed on the machine. This is a configured Ricky Bobby 3.0. Ricky Bobby is persisted via scheduled tasks.
COG provided the following prioritization of applications for trojaning: VLCMediaplayer Player, Win-Rar, TrueCrypt, ConnectifyMe, Shamela Reader, Microsoft Office Standalone Installer, Adobe Reader Installer. EDGEngineering Development Branch was able to supply the following trojans in the operational timeline: VLCMediaplayer Player, Win-Rar, TrueCrypt, Shamela. The six thumbdrives sent to the field for operational use had 4 self-extracting Win-Rars (Wraith), 2 VLCMediaplayer players, 2 TrueCrypt applications, 2 Shamela applications. Cover documents included TrueCrypt containers with keys, videos, documents, and images.
Stash Repository:
MelomyDropkick (TrueCrypt)
MelomyRoundhouse (VLCMediaplayer Player)
MelomyLeftHook (Shamela)
MelomyKarateChop (WinRar)
MelomySuckerPunch (ConnectifyMe) - UNUSED
Testing Repoistory:
Fight Club DARTTest-Software (commercial) Tests
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Latest Testing Results:
Operational Use:
Technique Tracking:
List of techniques used by Project
Artillery UACUser Account Control Bypass - PEUArtillery_x86x64
In Admin Group - MISCIsUserInAdminGroup_NET
User Account Control (UACUser Account Control) Level - MISCUserAccountControlLevel_WIN32
Change Log:
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Older Versions: