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Get User Account Control (UAC) Level (MISCUserAccountControlLevel_WIN32)
Miscellaneous Module
Stash Repository: Miscellaneous Library
Module Name: MISCUserAccessControlLevel_WIN32 (Uses Windows Registry APIApplication Programming Interface)
Module Description: This module determines the current UACUser Account Control (User Account Control) setting on a machine. The module scans the registry for two registry keys that are associated with the UACUser Account Control Level as controlled by the user. The UACUser Account Control level ranges from 1 to 4 where 1 is UACUser Account Control off and 4 is the highest UACUser Account Control setting. This module only works for Vista+ machines as XPWindows operating system (Version) does not use UAC.
This function determines the current UACUser Account Control level on the machine. The function returns the level in a range from 1-4. Returns
FALSE on failure and TRUE on success. dwLevel is considered an invalid level if dwLevel == INVALID_UAC_LEVEL (-1)
1 = UACUser Account Control Turned Off
2 = UACUser Account Control Low Setting
3 = UACUser Account Control Medium Setting (Default Win7)
4 = UACUser Account Control Highest Setting
static BOOL GetUACLevel(DWORD &dwLevel);
dwLevel [out]: Returns the level of UACUser Account Control as described by the machine settings
Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure. The dwLevel is returned with a value of INVALID_UAC_LEVEL (-1) on failure.
PSP/OS Issues: Vista+ (Fails gracefully on XPWindows operating system (Version)).
('excerpt' missing)
Sharing Level: Unilateral
Technique Origin: In-house (Windows APIApplication Programming Interface Calls - Specific Registry Keys)
- This module only checks registry settings is not a result of reverse engineering UAC. If UACUser Account Control ignores these settings in some cases (not yet seen), this module could be unreliable.
- Vista+
Module Return Codes:
Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.
Example Code:
//Get the current UACUser Account Control level
DWORD dwLevel = 0;
BOOL bRet = MISCUserAccountControlLevel_WIN32::GetUACLevel(dwLevel);
printf("Current UACUser Account Control Level: %d\n", dwLevel);